Wednesday, 21 November 2007

News Writing Assignment 5

Angry protestors fight against Megabucks redevelopment in Moonville, Wishingshire.

Around twenty locals protesting about the Megabucks complex being built and chopping down the heart of Moonville. 200 old trees are trying to be saved by the protestors, the leader of the dwellers; Joseph Bloggs attended a court hearing concerning his removal from the site. He refused to move.
His concerns are not just over the trees that they want to cut down, but also how this will affect the smaller local businesses, how they may go bankrupt.
Not only is it Mr Bloggs concerned with the new development, but a few of the older locals are annoyed at the fact the company wants to get rid of the town's war memorial, this is something that means alot to them. Around 1,700 people have signed a protest petition.
A spokeswoman mentioned "There is a large number of residents that actually want this to go ahead, and we do intend to take into consideration the trees and the war memorial and replace any trees that are cut down."
Within the community, some locals want a greater opportunity to be able to buy cheaper things. The protestors have now been in place for two weeks now. Already on the outskirts of the town is a Megabucks and the community in Moonville don't see the point in moving it to inside the town and ruining their community.
Planning manager, Michael Manning said, "The town is in need of vital regeneration and moving the complex would draw more and more vistors to Moonville everyday."
Now the Megabucks company plan on opening 180 sites around the UK.

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